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Majesty Dirty Bear PRO Freestyle skis
Developed in cooperation with our Japanese Freestyle Team, the Majesty Dirty Bear PRO skis are built to deliver precision that will help you reign everything from terrain parks and halfpipe to big jumps and all-terrain freestyle. The hefty camber construction supports instant grip, delivers ultra-fast response to your every input and helps cushion the impact of big air landings. The front tip rocker supports effortless turn initiation and nose butters. It delivers top performance on hard packed snow without compromising the all-terrain freestyle skiing. The semi-cap sidewall construction and the durable corrund top sheet material additionally improves performance and provides a more durable scratch resistant topsheet.
Waist 90mm
construction: semi hybrid (camber/front rocker)
shape: directional
flex: directional
flex ratio: 6
rocker type: 150mm (tips)
fiberglass: triax + biax
core: tip-to-tail woodcore (poplar and ash)
base: fast base IS7200
extras: durable sturdy top sheet
designed for: freestyle, park&pipe