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LumilaudatLumilaudan pussitLaskettelulasit ja kypärätSuksien huoltotarvikkeet
Polkupyörät ja varusteet
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Aluskerrastottuubihuivit ja maskitVaatet ja tarvikkeet
Kypärät ja suojat
- SUP laudat
Thule kattotelineet ja suksiboksit,
Käytetyt välineet
Käytetyt lasketteluvälineet
F2 Gipsy FullSuit torques 4/3
101,15 €
131,15 €
-30,00 €
Sisältää alv:n
Monthly payment from 6.22€
F2 is German surf company.
Our classic neoprene offers high quality and good workmanship of the materials. In addition, it is extremely robust and offers a high degree of flexibility and mobility. In the chest area we also used nub-free skin neoprene so that you can wear the "shorty" even on windy days.
4/3 neoprene Material
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16 muuta tuotetta samassa kategoriassa:
324,32 €
F2 kids sail set
Sail: 2 m²Mast: 230 cmBoom: 90-120 cm
3 Sailbattens, Dacron sail cloth, Two-part ALU mast, Mast foot adapter, Sail sleeve
20,42 €
25,42 €
SUP board leash 10' (3m) 7mm
SUP lautailu
F2 Rebel blue Full suit
101,15 €
131,15 €
F2 is German surf company.
Our Performance Line impresses with its cool design and, of course, the excellent workmanship using only high-quality materials. The suits are extremely tough and extremely flexible thanks to the double-layer jersey and super soft neoprene.
3.5 neoprene Material
70,32 €
80,32 €
F2 is German surf company.
Our Happiness Sportfashion Neoprene Line is the perfect and at the same time stylish companion on the water! Impresses with its perfect fit, the high-quality and soft neoprene and its excellent workmanship.
2/3 neoprene Material
364,98 €
F2 kids sail set
Sail: 3 m²Mast: 260 cmBoom: 110-150 cm
3 Sailbattens, Dacron sail cloth, Two-part thin epoxy mast, Mast foot adapter, Sail sleeve
518,82 €
659,82 €
F2 is German surf company.
SUP is inflatable
Windsurf option
High-end dropstich material
Balanced volume distribution
2x fixed softfin / 2x center din/US box
Cutter diamond pad
Size 10.5" 320x82x15cm
20,42 €
25,42 €
SUP board leash 10' (3m) 7mm
360,65 €
710,65 €
F2 is German surf company.
SUP is inflatable
Balanced volume distribution
2x fixed softfin / 1x center din/US box
Cutter diamond pad
Size 10.2" 311x79x15cm
308,98 €
608,98 €
F2 is German surf company.
SUP is inflatable
High-end dropstich material
Balanced volume distribution
2x fixed softfin / 1x center din/US box
Size 10.5" 320x82x15cm
549,65 €
649,65 €
F2 CROSS WING valloittaa ensimmäisestä hetkestä lähtien voimakkailla väreillään ja selkeällä muotoilullaan. Täytettynä näet heti hieman tasaisemman profiilin, joka varmistaa optimaalisen ja vaivattoman käyttön myös kevyessä tuulessa. Erityisesti edistyneille kuljettajille suunnitellun käyttöalueen vuoksi olemme luopuneet katseluikkunasta. Kaiken kaikkiaan...
20,42 €
25,42 €
SUP board leash 10' (3m) 7mm
361,65 €
710,65 €
F2 is German surf company.
SUP is inflatable
High-end dropstich material
Balanced volume distribution
2x fixed softfin / 1x center din/US box
Size 11.6" 354 x 84 x 15 cm
Max Weight 190Kg
246,32 €
507,32 €
F2 is German surf company.
SUP is inflatable
Balanced volume distribution
1x center din/US box
Cutter diamond pad
Size 8.2" 250x60x10cm